FORTIFY Glucosamine Sulfate

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FORTIFY Glucosamine Sulfate


NPN’s ultra-pure Glucosamine Sulfate is a wonder supplement when it comes to sore backs and stiff and aching joints. Not only will it fortify the growth and strengthening of cartilage in your joints, it also effectively treats arthritis and athletic injuries due to overuse. Combine with Hyaluronic Acid to create a formidable team. 

Suggested Use:
1 capsule daily

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Additional Info:
NPN’s ultra-pure Glucosamine Sulfate is a wonder supplement when it comes to sore backs and stiff and aching joints. Not only will it fortify the growth and strengthening of cartilage in your joints, it also effectively treats arthritis and athletic injuries due to overuse. Combine with Hyaluronic Acid to create a formidable team.

Glucosamine has long been known to stimulate specific components of your cartilage to fortify and reproduce. However, it is in the form of Sulfate, that Glucosamine has the unique ability to easily travel from your stomach to your joints. This is because only Glucosamine Sulfate breaks down early due to the fact that it absorbs better in water – and if you remember from biology class, the body is over 70% water. Once in the body, NPN’s ultra-pure Glucosamine Sulfate works to stimulate the production of a very important structure in your cartilage called Glycosamine Glycans (GAG). Your GAG acts as a nutrient base for the growth of joint cartilage. And so, stimulating this nutrient base naturally increases the production of cartilage over time. This healing process is what reduces your pain as well as treats arthritis, osteoporosis, psoriasis of the skin, fibromyalgia, and joint related athletic injuries.